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nb: naskah lolos ke babak 12 besar USF(Undip Science Fair) Speech Contest 2015
                What is the meaning of empowering? Base on dictionary empowering means giving power that I define here as science has a very big role in giving power to increase our quality of life. It is including our social of life and our environment. In this 21st of century, the development of science is so rapid, it is proved when I was a kid, I should go to my friends’ houses to ask them to play with me. However, when I need them now, I just need to stay at home because we are connected by internet. Internet as one of sophisticated of science development gives us so many benefits. Even if some fuddy-duddies said that science development just can break our traditional culture, our nature, and our social of life. Those kind of visions are not totally true. Let’s see Japan! Japan is one of country that has great science but they can still maintain their traditional culture. Well I have other evidences that will make my statements are justify.
                My first evidence is most of people today has at least a social media. Is it right? The function of social media is not only for communicating to those who we knew before, but also for making us in finding new friends there that it probably has different ethnic with us. Whenever we can connect with every ethnic in Indonesia, we will have better comprehension about them. The stereotype about some ethnics have bad attitude will decrease because of sophisticated technology. The biggest impact is our better social of life with our beloved fellows Indonesian.
                Science development is not only good for our social life but also for our better environment. Do you know what are the causes smoking forest in Sumatra and Kalimantan today? The main cause is groundbreaking. Groundbreaking is not something new that we did it long time before this to satisfy our necessity such as food. The biggest cause of groundbreaking is the growth of human is higher than the growth of food that we need to do exploitation such as groundbreaking to keep alive. At the other side, scientist found tissue culture and genetic manipulation to increase the growth of the food. Scientist also found the way to emphasize the growth of human. That the impact is we can reduce over exploitation such as groundbreaking that the biggest impact is we can reach sustainable living.
                How big are the roles of science development in our life from creating better social life until better environment. That is why we need to master science. Edward Teller ever said “The science today is the technology of tomorrow”. That is why I stand here to ask you to come with me for do our best struggle in our study for better science, better social life, better environment, better Indonesia.


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